Public City Tours
Take part in one of our numerous city tours! You can book tickets online or at our tourist information office.

We currently offer a much wider range of tours in German. If you can speak or understand German, then it is certainly worth switching over to the German language version of this page to expand your options! If you're traveling with a large group, then we are also able to organize private tours in English that are not currently available to the public.
Questions? Give us a call, send as an email or visit our tourist information office in Forum Confluentes!
This is the right place for connoisseurs, because in the wine city of Koblenz, one thing is a must: an enjoyable wine tour! Stroll through the city with a local wine connoisseur and taste local wines at select locations, join an expert guided tour through the sparkling wine museum or take part in a wine tasting at a wine bar. All of our wine tours have one thing in common: each tour deepens your knowledge of wine and imparts on you a taste for Koblenz wines.
DID YOU KNOW? Viticulture is a legacy of the Romans, who originally brought the vines with them so that they would not have to go without the delicious wine on their long campaigns. This legacy was gladly accepted in the region and most wineries in operation today can look back on long family traditions. In Koblenz, around half a million vines are currently cultivated in the metropolitan area. The vineyards cover around 40 hectares, almost 10 hectares of which are located in the Middle Rhine Valley.